Booking Appointments
From June 2024 the appointment system will be changing, to offer face to face, telephone triage and pre bookable appointments where needed.
GP Appointments
All of our routine GP appointments are bookable by phone or on-line.
These may be booked for a Face to face or telephone consultation although we do offer some telephone triage appointments. Which is right for you?
The majority of our GP and ANP appointments are automatically released on the day at 8.00 which means there is equal access to all patients however you choose to book them. We also release appointments each day for advance booking either the next day, 2 days or 2 weeks in advance.
On-line appointments
Doctors appointments are available for online booking using NHS App or Patient Access. NHS App can be set up on-line although registering for Patient Access will mean calling in at the Practice with a form of photographic Identification and address verification such as passport or driving license, you will be given a form to fill out and then issued with a unique username and password to access the system. Access is for the named individual only.
Nurse appointments
Nurse appointments are normally made by telephone and can be made up to 2 months ahead.
HealthCare Assistant Appointments
Health Care Appointments for bloods and similar tend to be released 2-3 months in advance and are bookable by telephone. Please can you attend your appointment at the time booked as there should be no expectation you will be squeezed in early or later than your appointment time.
Reason for your appointment
You will be routinely asked for the nature of the problem when making an appointment and we would ask that you provide this information so the doctors or nurses have an understanding of what you are seeing them for. This will allow you to speak with the most appropriate person and help identify any acute cases which may need more immediate action.
Early morning queuing?
There should be little genuine reason to attend in person to book appointments as this prevents staff from focusing on telephone appointment booking.
Cancelling an Appointment
If you no longer need or are unable to attend your appointment, please help us by cancelling it, to enable us to offer it to another patient and minimise the number of wasted appointments.
Keep your mobile number up to date with us. We will send out text reminder of your appointment and you can cancel your appointment via text – Saving you a phone call!